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Holistic Nutrition Services

Why Holistic Nutrition?

Because it is the perfect time to honour your body with foods that feed your soul as well as your body and mind. Learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain optimum health by expanding your range of healthy food choices. Getting "in shape" requires more than wishful thinking - it takes a solid nutritional plan, workout regimen and time. Nothing worth having happens overnight! Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

Concepts we will explore together

  • Nutrition Principles

  • Nutrition bio-individuality – what works for you!

  • Different options to improve your lifestyle

  • Detoxification, relaxation and sleep

  • Why and how to reduce processed foods

  • Cooking easy and fun meals

  • Healthy breakfast and snacks

  • Nutrition myth

  • Healthy sources of probiotics

  • Alternative self-therapies

  • Benefit of sprouts and micro-greens

  • Supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals

If you have ever received good advice that you were unable to follow or had your doctor recommend a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable, I can help. As a Holistic Nutritional Consultant and Health Coach I can provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make realistic changes that improve your health and overall well being. I will listen carefully and help you to navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to determine what changes are necessary for you. We will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

What to Expect

  • Set and accomplish goals in ways that are empowering and exciting

  • Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight

  • Understand and reduce your cravings

  • Increase your energy levels

  • Feel great in your body

  • Learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them

  • Improve your personal relationships

  • Discover the confidence to create the life you want

A personalized program, built according to your needs, may include:

  • Private sessions that can done in person or by phone or Skype

  • Nutrition consulting and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want

  • Cooking classes and/or provide healthy recipes that are easy to prepare

  • Access to my monthly newsletter with the latest health tips and recipes

  • Informative handouts that will increase your nutrition knowledge

  • E-mail support between sessions

  • Food shopping orientation

  • Seminars/presentations, corporate or private groups at events/home

  • Fermentation process demo and sprouting lessons

  • My personal commitment to your health and success

Contact me to schedule your holistic nutrition consultation. Prior to your session, you will fill out a health history form and then we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals. Are you ready to feel better than ever, starting right now? Let's schedule now your Holistic Nutrition Consultation!

Rolfing® Structural Integration 10-Series Overview
Rolfing® Structural Integration 10-Series Overview

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease".


What is Health Ed

© 2017 Joyce Cruvinel. All rights reserved.

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